Mitchell Goldman

Official Website of  Author, Including 

The Next Frontier


After spending a year and a half writing The Next Frontier and another year editing and waiting for my futuristic novel to come out in print, the official launch date has arrived. You can order the book at the following locations:

Also available from the author:

A book of short stories, including fiction and non-fiction, poems, and photographs written and taken over a 30 year period of the author's life, Living Among the Insanity is about a variety of topics told in stories that are real, imagined, and a combination of both. Revelations about life, love, religion, and the joy of living are recounted in various forms such as non-fiction essays, a science fiction story, a travel journal, and poetry, and shown in photographs mostly taken by the author himself. 

These are blogs the author has written, during a one year period, about film,music, sports, politics, including personal recollections, all after an Election Day that changed his life. 


Mitchell Goldman has dedicated his life to education as a student, teacher, coach, athletic director, school administrator, tutor and writer. As a teacher of primarily mathematics, but also sciences, film, computer, and various other subjects, and as a coach of basketball, baseball, and assistant coach of soccer, Mitch gave numerous hours to teach and mentor young people, emphasizing building character as well as skills, and always willing to learn from his experiences.

Since retirement, Mitch has focused more on his writing, which he began in the early 1980's, eventually self-publishing his first book, "Living Among the Insanity: 30+ Years of Truth, Fiction, and Somewhere In-Between." His second book, "Living Among the Insanity 2," is a compilation of blogs written the first year after he was terminated by email on the day the Insurrectionist-in-Chief was elected President.

Mitch continues to blog, almost daily, Miscellaneous Mitchims reached easily by clicking the blog tab on this site. It can also be reached directly at:

All of his books can be purchased on, and are easily reachable from this site.

Please enjoy the reads, and tell a friend.


Bay Area Book Fair

Sunday June 2, 2024

Come see me at the Bay Area Book Fair in MLK Park, Berkeley this Sunday, June 2nd between 11 AM and 5 PM.  I am happy to converse about my new book, or previous books, or just share a conversation with you.  My table is located off of MLK Way between Allston and Center Streets, space 219.

There will be many fine authors, literary events, and books at the fair.  I look forward to seeing you there.



For any inquiries, please contact:
